Hey, I’m Paul! Born in Salford, I studied at Oxford, worked in France and Russia, led soldiers in Afghanistan, then moved to London as Deliveroo's 2nd ops guy. After we scaled the business 500x in 5 years, I went freelance, moved to Antigua, and now support people globally. I’m passionate about operating with purpose.
Why Operate with Purpose?
Whatever your goal, success demands a clear purpose, disciplined action and growth mindset. Without purpose, your actions lack focus and your mind creates blockers.
I’ve navigated: career transitions, relocations, setbacks and successes; business launches, scaling, pivots and exits. Not to mention love, loss and personal struggles with fitness, confidence and mental health. Oh, and I emigrated to a small island...
Having survived (just 😅), I’ve learnt to thrive by building self-awareness, structure and resilience into all aspects of my life: work, sport, charity and relationships.
I’ve mentored over 100 leaders and managers, both professionally and personally, and got my hands dirty in the military and startups. To pay the bills, I support businesses and individuals as a mentor, fractional operator and talent partner.
To help more people navigate challenges like I’ve faced, I started this community of operators with purpose. I chose this platform because it allows us to share, learn and openly discuss what’s really important, away from the zealous, vapid and increasingly AI-generated drivel now dominating social media. Together, in a mutually supportive community, we all stand a better chance of achieving our career and life goals.
What Is an Operator?
My definition: you turn problems into solutions and vision into reality; you believe actions speak louder than words; you give credit to others when things go well, and take accountability when things go wrong; you prioritise impact and purpose over money and power, and you see leadership as an act of service.
You don’t need a qualification to be an operator. If this resonates, you’re one of us.
Join Us
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As a community member, for just £5/month, you’ll benefit from additional support:
Weekly tips to achieve your career and life goals.
Monthly drop-in sessions to get advice and overcome blockers.
Curated job opportunities.
Community chat.
Full library of tips, tools and insights.
By becoming a Founding Operator, the top membership tier, you get all that plus:
One-to-one mentoring session (worth £150).
Bespoke action plan.
Tailored networking opportunities.
Check out my website for a range of client testimonials and more on my approach.
To join the community, simply hit subscribe below and choose your membership tier.
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